Area Output Calculator
The area output that the manufacturers specify for larger robotic lawn mowers is usually based on the assumption that the mowing robot mows 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, on a simple, rectangular lawn without many obstacles, twists and turns, bottlenecks or the like.
This is rarely the case. Your lawn area will therefore usually be smaller than the maximum area output of your mowing robot.
Here you can calculate the power output of your robot mower for your lawn.
Calculate area output
How big is your lawn?
How many hours a day should the robotic lawn mower mow?
(at max. 24 h)Are there days during the week when the mowing robot should not mow? If so, how many?
Is your yard rather complex, with many individual areas, bottlenecks and corners or does it have a simple design?
Are there rather many or rather few obstacles on the lawn? (single trees, bushes, trampoline etc.)
Can/should your mowing robot mow in the rain?
* Only mowing robots whose maximum area output is based on a 24-hour rhythm were considered in the calculation. Mowing robots that can only mow for a maximum of 12 hours a day, because they are limited by the software, indicate their maximum area output on their individual maximum number of working hours each day (e.g. some MCULLOCH Mowing Robots), so you will have to convert this.